Training activities within the AGIT project (CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV)

As part of the AGIT project "Activation of the Young Generation in Times of Climate Policy Backlash in Central Europe," no. 101081252, which is implemented with the support of the CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV program, the Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers organized three educational activities for high school students and members of the non-profit organization Slovak Scouting.
The aim of the educational activities was mainly to:
- Improve awareness of the young generation about the problem of climate change and the environment.
- Acquire knowledge about legal instruments applicable to the introduction of new measures at the local and national levels.
- Raise awareness of the limitations of lawsuits related to changes in the environment.
- Support the active involvement of young people in discussions and issues related to climate and environmental matters.
An important goal of these educational activities was also to support students and members of Slovak Scouting in democratic and civic life, thereby improving environmental sustainability and measures in the field of development.
The trainings took place on May 9, 2023, September 14, 2023 (for high school students), and September 23, 2023 (for members of the civic association Slovak Scouting). In total 392 young people benefited from these activiites.
Speakers from AAEP provided the young participants with comprehensive and up-to-date information regarding current environmental issues. They highlighted the reasons for the emergence of these problems and discussed possible ways to improve the situation through practical examples and demonstrations. The participants jointly proposed measures that each individual can take to contribute to a healthy environment.
Each training was organized in such a way that the participants received a comprehensive overview of climate change, legal disputes, and environmental problems in Slovakia, and then discussed possible ways of solving these problems at the local and national levels. In addition to presentations, the trainings included discussions, educational games, brainstorming, and other methods of informal education.
Thanks to these training activities, the participants gained a better understanding of current problems and knowledge about their solutions in the Slovak context. Feedback from the training participants was very positive, which confirms their interest in organizing similar events in the future.
Photogallery - Training activities within the AGIT project (CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV)
Photogallery - Presentation for students of secondary schools in the frame of the AGIT project