Online project meeting of STUD.IO partners

On February 21, 2022 the project coordinator Unione degli Assessorati alle Politiche Socio-sanitarie dell'Istruzione e del Lavoro (Taliansko) organized an online meeting of the project Erasmus+ „Sociability through urban design innovation in city design - STUD.IO“, no. KA203-6A057B2A.
All project partners from Italy, Spain, Romania and Slovakia attended the meeting. Partners were talking about achieved results and they agreed on future plan of activities. Slovakia is represented in the project by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and the Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers.
At presents, project partners are working on common publication which will bring the views of all 4 joined countries on topics such as urbanism, environment and landscape. Teachers and researchers are preparing lectures and educational modules for online studying. After finishing these lectures, students will have opportunity to take part in common online course in the area of urbanism and innovations. The best students will participate in winter school organized in Bucharest and after successfully finishing both the course and the winter school, students will get ECTS credits.
Project’s educational part connects theory with practical approaches applied in all 4 countries and that’s why students who will participate in the course will receive a complex and unique information about this issue.
Information about the online course and about other project activities are going to be continuously published on our website and project website: