Meeting of STUD.IO project partners

On June 6 and 7, 2023, the final meeting of the STUD.IO project took place. The meeting was organized by the University of Bucharest and it was attended by partners from Italy, Spain, Romania and Slovakia. Slovakia was represented by prof. Pavol Schwarcz and Ing. Zuzana Bohátová.
The main goal of the meeting was the presentation and evaluation of the project's results so far, as well as the discussion of the activities that will be implemented by the end of the project, i.e. until August 31, 2023.
STUD.IO project (Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation), no. 2020–1IT02–KA203–79833 is an educational project within the Erasmus+ program, Strategic Partnerships. The topic of the project is an interdisciplinary approach to social and innovation in the urban environment, and the partners analyzed the environmental, sociological, psychological and urban aspects of this issue in their activities. Current approaches and trends were processed in the joint publication "Promoting sociability in the urban environments", available online:
As part of the STUD.IO project, an online platform for students was also created by partners from all connected countries and it will be tested in the near future at 4 partner universities, including the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
The results achieved thanks to the STUD.IO project will be used in the next educational process as well as in our future project activities.